Free Instruments Project's PD2530 is a commercial quality, dual channel, dual quadrant bench power supply. Its features include:
- 1mV resolution to 25V.
- 0.1mA resolution to 3A.
- High accuracy (0.1% typical after calibration).
- Source, sink, and downprogramming modes.
- Series, parallel, and bipolar modes.
- Ganged operation between multiple units.
- Dual setpoints and oscillation, including ganged oscillation.
- Hybrid topology with a switchmode preregulator and linear output stage.
- Always-up readouts of the instantaneous output voltage and current.
- Four dedicated, smooth rotary controls for all setpoints.
- USB, RS-232, and Ethernet SCPI control interfaces
- Web control and status interface
Project status
- ✅ Working prototype of front panel/controller
- ✅ Working prototype of analog/power board
- ✅ Full build in enclosure
- ✅ Basic regulator control firmware
- ✅ System firmware infrastructurey bits (UI management, bootload, etc)
- ✅ System firmware communications bits (RS-232, USB, Ethernet)
- ⬛️ Extended regulator control firmware (calibration and advanced features)
- ⬛️ System firmware: internal regulator control interface
- ⬛️ System firmware: SCPI interface
- ⬛️ System firmware: web server and web control interface
- ⬛️ Formal documentation: service manual outlining
- ⬛️ Formal documentation: reviewed and polished schematics
- ⬛️ Formal documentation: user-accessible bill of materials
- ⬛️ Formal documentation: mechanical build drawings
- ⬛️ Formal documentation: build instructions
- ⬛️ 2nd full build to evaluate build instructions